Running Ghost blogging platform via Docker

When I was thinking about using Ghost [], I did read the installations guide [] and then I just closed the browser window. I didn't wanted to install npm [], yet another package manager, and just hack [http:…

New blogging engine

Exactly 3 years after I moved [] on from Wordpress [] to Octopress [] I thought it's time for something new. Some of you might have noticed that I've not much blogged in the past.…

Is using Octopress a good idea?

Octopress [] seems to become more popular these days. As it looks great at a first view, I see two problems. Ruby 1.9.2 All documentations and howtos requires to install ruby 1.9.2 via rvm. Maybe anybody can tell me, why I could…

software depencies

First the good thing: I updated wordpress to 2.3. Now the bad thing: I updated wordpress to 2.3. With 2.3 there where many infrastructure [] changes []. For a complete list, see the Release Announcement [http://codex.… and privacy

Today I was crawling through my mail logs for various reasons. I was really surprised, that I saw a mail to a dedicated mailaddress which I'm using for communication with []. I was short checking, if this mailaddress is anywhere published at,…