Backing up Windows (the hard way)

Sometimes you need to do things you don't like and you don't know where you will end up. In our household there exists one (production) system running Windows. Don't ask why and please no recommandations how to substitute it. Some things are hard to…

Call for testing: monitoring-plugins 2.3 in experimental

As announced recently [] I prepared a monitoring-plugins 2.3 package for experimental. If there is enough positive feedback until 12th January 2021, I intend [] to upload this into unstable targeted for Debian Bullseye.…

Monitoring Plugins 2.3 released

While our last release has matured for quite a little time, there raised demands within our community [] for a new release. The development has settled this fall and @sni [] was already using master for a while in production,…

Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2

Metrics COVID Risiko Deutschland nach Ländern und Kreisen [] Übersicht der Fallzahlen von Coronavirusinfektionen in Bayern [] Prognose der COVID Neuinfektionen - TU Dortmund […

DevOps Camp 2019

Das DevOps Camp [] ist wieder einmal Geschichte und das natürlich viel zu schnell. Die Veranstaltung ist als BarCamp [] angelegt, genauere Informationen findet man hier []. Nachdem vorher nur grob ein Themenrahmen gesteckt wird, findet wie immer eine kurze…

HAProxy - a journey into multithreading (and SSL)

I'm running some load balancers which are using HAProxy [] to distribute HTTP [] traffic to multiple systems. While using SSL with HAProxy [] is possible since some time, it wasn&…

Comparing (OVH) I/O performance

Since some time I'm using cloud resources provided by OVH [] for some projects I'm involved. Recently we decided to give Zammad [], an opensource support/ticketing solution, a try. We did choose the docker compose way […

Deploying a (simple) docker container system

When a small platform for shipping containers is needed, not speaking about Kubernets [] or something, you have a couple of common things you might want to deploy at first. Usual things that I have to roll out everytime deloying such a platform: * docker [https:…