Call for testing: monitoring-plugins 2.3 in experimental

As announced recently [] I prepared a monitoring-plugins 2.3 package for experimental. If there is enough positive feedback until 12th January 2021, I intend [] to upload this into unstable targeted for Debian Bullseye.…

Monitoring Plugins 2.3 released

While our last release has matured for quite a little time, there raised demands within our community [] for a new release. The development has settled this fall and @sni [] was already using master for a while in production,…

HAProxy - a journey into multithreading (and SSL)

I'm running some load balancers which are using HAProxy [] to distribute HTTP [] traffic to multiple systems. While using SSL with HAProxy [] is possible since some time, it wasn&…

Comparing (OVH) I/O performance

Since some time I'm using cloud resources provided by OVH [] for some projects I'm involved. Recently we decided to give Zammad [], an opensource support/ticketing solution, a try. We did choose the docker compose way […

Oxidized - silly attempt at (Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ)

Since ages I wanted have replaced this freaking backup solution of our Network Equipment based on some hacky shell scripts and expect [] uploading the configs on a TFTP [] server. Years ago I stumbled upon RANCID…

Using nginx as reverse proxy (for containered Ghost)

In some cases it might be a good idea to use a reverse proxy [] in front of a web application. Nginx [] is a very common solution for this scenario these days. As I started with containers for…

Trying icinga2 and icingaweb2 with Docker

In case you ever wanted to look at Icinga2 [], even into distributed [] features, without messing with installing whole server setups, this might interesting for you. At first, you need to have a running Docker on your system.…

Running Ghost blogging platform via Docker

When I was thinking about using Ghost [], I did read the installations guide [] and then I just closed the browser window. I didn't wanted to install npm [], yet another package manager, and just hack [http:…