Backing up Windows (the hard way)

Sometimes you need to do things you don't like and you don't know where you will end up. In our household there exists one (production) system running Windows. Don't ask why and please no recommandations how to substitute it. Some things are hard to…

DevOps Camp 2019

Das DevOps Camp [] ist wieder einmal Geschichte und das natürlich viel zu schnell. Die Veranstaltung ist als BarCamp [] angelegt, genauere Informationen findet man hier []. Nachdem vorher nur grob ein Themenrahmen gesteckt wird, findet wie immer eine kurze…

Server Management

Server management on daily basis in a growing environment could be a challenge. Most of the tasks is here done with ClusterSSH [] in help with a homebrew mail notification []. Unfortunately this workflow is not scaling well for 200+…

Creative destruction

Today short before ending business hours I was noticed that there is a problem with a server system (domU). Login with unprivileged user was possible but using "su" didn't worked, also login in as root via privkey failed. Fortunately I was able to connect via xen…

Fixing muninlite for up interfaces without link

Usually I'm monitoring stuff with Icinga [] (Nagios in the past). But for my small network, I primary needed monitoring of bandwidth. In our commercial environment we are using a closed source software for accounting traffic. There is also a license for testing purpose with…

Debian 6.0 'squeeze' released

Our baby [] was released [] just some moments ago. Many thanks to all who made this happen, I'm very proud! Also many thanks to the release team, ftpmaster, cd people, www-team, press folks and all who worked so…

(old) L-root DNS Server "stolen" (for a short time)

After shutdown of the old L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET the IP address formerly associated with it, the IP continued to answer requests. More informations can be found at the ICANN Blog [] UPDATE: Before bothering around, if you read the ICANN Blog […