Frag is bigger than frame.

Since 2 weeks I'm faced with some problems at a Xen [] hosting environment based on Debian [] wheezy []. The issue is, that one specific domU is regularly failing network. The investigations showed, that…

Virtualisation on HP ProLiant hardware with squeeze

In case you are using HP ProLiant G6-series or G7-series with Intel-based hardware and you are thinking about virtualization (e.g. booting the hypervisor), you should have a look into this […

New server hardware for

Maybe some of you have noticed, was running under heavy load recently while it was smashed by search engine crawlers. First we tried to tweak the trac installation, which caused the heavy load, when running the spiders trough. But it turned out, that this doesn't…

windows in domU on etch. where is the showstopper?

Since some days I'm trying to install windows into a domU just for fun. All went fine until accessing discs. Sometime partition is not formatable [], sometimes files could not read from cdrom. To be sure, it's not the disc image,…

Taking Xen guests (domU) alive via routed network

The xend config looks like this: playground:~# grep -v ^# /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp (network-script 'network-bridge netdev=dummy0') (vif-script vif-bridge) (dom0-min-mem 196) (dom0-cpus 0) Creating volume group for Xen domU (/dev/hdb2 was allready created with id 8e): playground:~# pvcreate /dev/hdb2 Physical volume "/dev/hdb2" successfully…

Getting started with XEN on etch

Today I thought it's time to look deeper into the Xen [] hype. So I decided to install xen on etch []. I followed Ganneffs recommandation [] playground:~# aptitude install bridge-utils iproute \ xen-ioemu-3.…