nagios-plugins 1.4.16 is going to be released

Short before Debian is freezing [] the upcoming release of a new version of nagios-plugins [] is scheduled for Wednesday. The good news is, that a recent version is available in unstable and testing. Upstream only fixed some check_ping…

Monitoring dualstacked service with Icinga

Having monitoring for dualstack connectivity inplace [] helps a lot. Unfortunately in most cases we are running also services we want to offer dualstacked. In the past we just monitored in those cases IPv4 only or created a separate check for the same…

Monitoring dualstacked systems with Icinga

Since some ages we are deploying IPv6 in our network and also for some selected services. Some days ago we discovered, that anybody has enabled accidentally a router advertisement daemon in a network where this shouldn't happen. As result of this, IPv6 enabled systems got (additional) IPv6 addresses…

Monitoring related package updates

* nagios-plugins [] * stable: uploaded 1.4.15-3squeeze1 fixing #623702 [] * testing: entered 1.4.15-4 [], this basically reduced the dependency footprint of nagios-plugins-standard (#569028 []) * squeeze-backports: uploaded 1.4.15-4~…

Package updates and others

Since some weeks I'm really busy, private and at work. It's going into the end of the year and everybody is in hurry. There seems also coming some changes for our family down the road in the future, but more maybe later. Additionally one months ago…

software depencies

First the good thing: I updated wordpress to 2.3. Now the bad thing: I updated wordpress to 2.3. With 2.3 there where many infrastructure [] changes []. For a complete list, see the Release Announcement [http://codex.…

wordpress plugin and widget packages

Yesterday I was going through the plugins and widgets, if there are any updates or such. I realized again, that updating of plugins (and maybe searching for the relocated download source) makes me mad. Also testing and switching back is annoying much. So I decided to package plugins and widgets…