Kabel Deutschland breaks DNS System for it's customers

Last week I noticed, that Kabel Deutschland [http://www.kabeldeutschland.de/], a cable provider in Germany, returns for any non existing hosts "". It seems, thats it is rolled out since last fall. Even for DNSSEC [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNSSEC] enabled infrastructure it…

[security] wordpress 2.5.1 which fixes CVE-2008-1930

Cause the subject, I did build a new package which can be installed on etch, lenny and of course sid. You can fetch it from http://ftp.cyconet.org/debian/archive/bpo/wordpress/2.5.1-1~bpo40+1/ or get via > deb http://ftp.cyconet.org/debian etch-backports main…

[security] policyd-weight 0.1.14-beta-6etch1/

This Tuesday Robert Felber released [http://www.mail-archive.com/policyd-weight-list%40ek-muc.de/msg00798.html] a new upstream version. It is a (local) security bugfix (and some minor fixes) which was reported on Sunday by Chris Howells to the Debian Security Team (as well as to other vendors). Today DSA-1531 [http:…

Package updates and others

Since some weeks I'm really busy, private and at work. It's going into the end of the year and everybody is in hurry. There seems also coming some changes for our family down the road in the future, but more maybe later. Additionally one months ago…

Ignoring security (usability)

Since some time, Deutsche Bahn [http://www.db.de] rolled public wireless lan called "WLAN am Bahnhof" out at 25 railroad stations, you can choose between 4 providers. Sounds really nice, but beside the economical conditions, there is also at least one security issue. Connecting to the network…

Is DNSSEC ready for wild life?

Today the RIPE DNS for LIRs Training Course [http://www.ripe.net/training/dns/index.html] did take place. (some not up to date course material can be found here [http://www.ripe.net/training/dns/material/]) Managing some thousands of zones inclusive nameserver infrastructure behind since several years, I…