DevOps Camp 2019

Das DevOps Camp [] ist wieder einmal Geschichte und das natürlich viel zu schnell. Die Veranstaltung ist als BarCamp [] angelegt, genauere Informationen findet man hier []. Nachdem vorher nur grob ein Themenrahmen gesteckt wird, findet wie immer eine kurze…

Comparing (OVH) I/O performance

Since some time I'm using cloud resources provided by OVH [] for some projects I'm involved. Recently we decided to give Zammad [], an opensource support/ticketing solution, a try. We did choose the docker compose way […

Deploying a (simple) docker container system

When a small platform for shipping containers is needed, not speaking about Kubernets [] or something, you have a couple of common things you might want to deploy at first. Usual things that I have to roll out everytime deloying such a platform: * docker [https:…

Container Orchestration Thoughts

Since some time everybody (read developer) want to run his new microservice [] stacks in containers []. I can understand that building and testing an application is important for developers. One of the benefits of containers is, that developer…