Vserver Debian sarge as host and guest system

Starting with installing some packages from backports.org [http://www.backports.org]: # aptitude install -t sarge-backports util-vserver \ linux-image-2.6-vserver-<arch> This may be a good moment to reboot your host system. :) Following the setup process of the virtual server [http://www.5dollarwhitebox.org/wiki/index.php/Howtos_Linux-Vserver_…

Break the Switch into separated ethernet ports / VLANs

At first ... I'm not responsible, if you brick your router by using this documentation. If your fear it would be possible, stop HERE! The following NVRAM-Settings need to take place: > !/bin/sh Port 0 into WAN, 5 Router themselv nvram set vlan1hwname=et0 nvram set vlan1ports="…

Implementing fax and vbox server with capisuite and FaxGW

Capisuite [http://www.capisuite.org/] is a fax and voicebox solution for capi on linux. I'm using it with a Fritz!Card 2.0 on debian. Assuming a working capi card, you only need: # apt-get install capisuite Then you need to customize capisuite.conf, fax.conf and answering_…

Installing an AVM Fritz!Card 2.0

At first ... put the Card in! :-) Next I installed the following packages and all required dependencies: # aptitude install capiutils isdnactivecards \ isdnlog isdnlog-data isdnutils-base libcapi20-2 Now I got the source of the module from AVM [ftp://ftp.avm.de/cardware/fritzcrd.pci/linux/suse.91/fcpci-suse9.1-3.11-02.tar.gz]…

Openwrt migration

Since the Linksys firmware for the WRT54G isn't really flexible and the Sveasoft firmware sucks cause this license issues I migrated all my boxes to Openwrt [http://openwrt.org]. Openwrt is a minimal firmware with support for add-on packages ... this makes it more flexible for personal use. At…